Hardware Repair and Asset Retirement Services

Hardware Repair Services

Hardware Repair and Asset Retirement Services


  • President's Day

    LHRIC Offices Closed

    LHRIC - Lower Hudson Regional Information Center
  • Good Friday

    LHRIC Offices Closed

    LHRIC - Lower Hudson Regional Information Center
  • Memorial Day

    LHRIC Offices Closed

    LHRIC - Lower Hudson Regional Information Center
  • Juneteenth

    LHRIC Offices Closed

    LHRIC - Lower Hudson Regional Information Center
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Hardware Repair Services

Hardware Repair Service gives you access to certified technicians who can be dispatched to your location to conduct on-site repairs. We offer certified warranty and non-warranty repair service for Apple®, Dell®, Lenovo and HP® brand products. Non-warranty repair is available for Acer® and Asus® brand computers, Chromebooks, desktops, laptops, monitors, printers and tablets. Projector and Audio Visual equipment repair is also available. 

Warranty Computer Service

The LHRIC is an authorized Self Maintainer for the following manufacturers:

  • Apple® Computer
  • HP® Computers, Chromebooks, Laptops and Printers
  • Dell® Computers, Chromebooks and Laptops
  • Lenovo Chromebooks and Laptops

Asset Management & Retirement

The LHRIC provides asset retirement of end-of-life computer equipment to all districts, regardless of where the equipment was purchased.* 

To request a pick up of your school's end of life computers...

  1. Download the Asset Retirement Form.
  2. Follow the instructions on the form carefully to insure your request is expedited.
  3. Return the completed form by email to: recycle@lhric.org


  • The form must not be handwritten or returned as a fax or scanned document. 
  • You must provide the serial numbers for computers only.
  • Your contact information must be included for each pick-up location.
  • There is no cost to the district for this service and we ask that you have 20 or more computers at each location before you request a pick-up.

*Equipment purchased through the LHRIC MUST be retired through this procedure.